What can be the outstanding features of the modern can coolers? Among the modern can coolers, one of the best features should be holding the temperature range for a long time. Most coolers nowadays can install some technology such as double wall vacuum insulation and keep drinks cold for 12-24 hours or even more. For example, a can cooler from a leading brand will keep beverage temperature 2-3 times longer compared to traditional single-wall coolers. This feature makes it especially appealing for outdoor events or long road trips where access to refrigeration may be limited. One study by Outdoor Gear Lab found that users experienced a 35% longer cooling time with high-quality insulation in can coolers versus lower-end models.
Some coolers go further by accommodating anything from a standard 12 oz can to larger formats like a 16 oz or even 24 oz can. Such a model with its adjustable sleeves or expanding bases would be able to hold different can sizes, hence more versatile and convenient to the customers. For example, one manufacturer of camping gear claimed to have a 20% increase in sales of multisize can coolers once it introduced a model able to hold regular-sized and large-sized cans. This flexibility is of special importance for those businesses which are engaged in outdoor and event-based activities where customers may have multiple beverage options.
Fashionable can coolers come with ergonomic designs that ensure comfort and ease. Many of them feature nonslip bases that prevent tipping and handles or grips for easier carrying. In fact, one study by the American Ergonomics Association showed that can coolers with ergonomic handles reduced user strain by up to 40% in transport. This may be important for businesses like tailgating events or outdoor food vendors where customers have to carry beverages for long distances. The reason being, as revealed by a survey conducted by a popular beverage brand, 70% of customers preferred coolers with handles or grips over traditional models.
Another notable feature of modern can coolers is their eco-friendly construction. Manufacturers increasingly use BPA-free and recyclable materials to make these products more sustainable. According to a 2022 report from the Sustainable Products Association, 55% of consumers are willing to pay as high as 15% more for coolers that are environmentally friendly-a true reflection of the trend towards sustainability. As such, sales among eco-conscious consumers for one brand increased 30% after offering a can cooler made from 100% recycled material.
Finally, many of the coolers currently available have some kind of high tech cooling mechanism, or can be easily coupled with charging cooling pads. For instance, one Florida beverage distributor stated, “With our built-in coolers, our ice consumption went down 50 percent, which in itself makes it a heck of a lot easier on the road.”. Such coolers often include either USB-powered cooling systems or ice pack compartments that can sustain a particular temperature without requiring external resources.
Besides functional features, many coolers can be ordered in custom design for business to place their company logos or specific graphics on it. A 2020 poll by the Promotional Products Association reported that 40% of the businesses make use of personalized can coolers as part of their branding strategy and increase visibility among customers. The local brewery in Oregon reported a rise in brand awareness by 15% along with an increment of 10% in the sales once it offered can coolers with custom branding during a promotion.
From businesses to consumers, a can cooler will provide a host of features that will afford great convenience, performance, and sustainability for those needing a high-quality and durable method of keeping beverages cold.